Starter Failure Signs

Recognizing Key Signs: The Struggle to Start



Starter failure can leave you stranded, learn to recognize the signs.  When your car’s starter struggles, taking longer to engage the engine upon turning the ignition, it’s a red flag. This slow crank means it’s time for a check-up, though it could also indicate a battery or electrical issue.

A Long, Slow Crank

A modern vehicle starter should be able to turn the engine over quickly, and immediately, once the ignition has been activated. If your car starter, on the other hand, sounds like it’s laboring to spin the motor and takes a while before everything fires up, this is an indication that all is not right under your hood.

Don’t immediately leap to the conclusion that the starter is dying — after all, you might be dealing with a battery problem or another electrical issue that’s keeping it from getting enough power to do its job. But it’s definitely something you’ll need to have checked out by a mechanic you trust.

Lights Dim on Start

Noticing your headlights or interior lights dim when you start the car? This abnormal power draw suggests a potential starter failure, as it may be overloading the electrical system.

The Starter Spins, but the Engine Doesn’t

Hearing the starter spin without the engine turning over points to a disconnection issue. The starter might not be engaging with the flywheel, necessitating a repair or replacement.

Grinding Noises During or After Starting

A grinding noise upon starting or after the engine runs indicates a gear problem within the starter. Continuous noise could mean the solenoid is powering the starter when it shouldn’t, risking damage.

Spotting these signs early can save you from the inconvenience of a non-starting car or an unnecessary tow. If you notice any, give us a call at TNT Customs Auto Repair.

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